Check out our large selection of Video Games, Trading Card Games, Board Games and much more!

About Us

We have been in business at the same location for over 24 years in downtown Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Our business first opened in 2000 under the name Mostly Music ( Back then, we sold CD’s, DVD’s, and new & used video games; however, we quickly expanded into Sports Cards, Trading Card Games (TCG), board games and collectible toys. In early 2000, Nintendo64 and PlayStation 2 where the newest video gaming consoles, and Magic the Gathering and Pokémon were the popular TCG. As you can imagine, over 24 years later, our location is overflowing with hundreds of retro and new video games that have come out since then, as well as all the other Trading Cards and Sports cards that have released. We are well known for having one of the largest selections of new & used video games in Canada.  For this reason, in 2015, we changed our business name to Mostly Games & Collectibles, in order to reflect what we specialized in.  Whether you love to play video games, board games, trading card games, etc., we have something for you.


In 2003, we opened our other store, on the north side of Port Coquitlam called Treasure Chest Games & Collectibles (  It originally started as a Beanie Baby store, but we quickly expanded into Sports Cards, Trading Cards, Video Games, Hot Wheels and other collectible toys.  With 2 locations in Port Coquitlam, and a great amount of inventory, (but limited space) Mostly Games has become more focussed on new & used video games, and Treasure Chest Games is focussed on trading card games and events.  Treasure Chest Games has a very large area for playing games and runs weekly tournaments for Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh!, Cardfight! Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz and other TCG events.

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